September 2024
Mark Hemingway
Senior Writer, Real Clear Investigations

Mark Hemingway is a senior writer at RealClearInvestigations and the books editor at The Federalist. He has been a Claremont Institute Lincoln Fellow and a Pulliam Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Journalism at Hillsdale College. He is the recipient of a Robert Novak Journalism fellowship, and was a two-time Global Prosperity Initiative Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University where he studied microfinance in Southeast Asia. He has written for outlets as diverse as The Wall Street Journal and, and has appeared on C-Span's Washington Journal, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and National Public Radio's All Things Considered. He is married to journalist and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway, and they have two daughters. He originally from Bend, Oregon and now resides in Alexandria, Virginia.